3 Results
In Transit
In Transit
In Transit
Based on EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your mileage will vary depending on driving conditions, how you drive and maintain your vehicle, battery-pack age/condition, and other factors.
*All advertised vehicles are subject to actual dealer availability. Certain vehicles listed may not be available, or may have different prices. All pricing and details are believed to be accurate, but we do not warrant or guarantee such accuracy. Market availability price adjustments, may vary region to region, as will incentives, and are subject to change. Vehicle information is based on standard equipment and may vary from vehicle to vehicle. Prices exclude state tax, license, document preparation fee, smog fee, and finance charges, if applicable, Vehicle options and pricing are subject to change. Call or email for complete vehicle specific information. Internet Prices exclude any dealer-added accessories or additional mark-ups. Call or email for complete vehicle specific information.
*All advertised vehicles are subject to actual dealer availability. Certain vehicles listed may not be available, or may have different prices. All pricing and details are believed to be accurate, but we do not warrant or guarantee such accuracy. Market availability price adjustments, may vary region to region, as will incentives, and are subject to change. Vehicle information is based on standard equipment and may vary from vehicle to vehicle. Prices exclude state tax, license, document preparation fee, smog fee, and finance charges, if applicable, Vehicle options and pricing are subject to change. Call or email for complete vehicle specific information. Internet Prices exclude any dealer-added accessories or additional mark-ups. Call or email for complete vehicle specific information.